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Qualification information
CAA offers over 75 different National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) and Vocationally Related Qualifications (VRQs) or Construction Awards. We use our links to industry together with our technology and creativity to develop innovative construction qualifications that meet the needs of our changing industry.
Our Qualification Catalogue shows you how our qualifications are built and provides you with all the structural and progression information you need to get started. Our online catalogue always contains the most up to date qualification structures.
If you would like to broaden the range of qualifications you currently offer, please access our Qualification Search to see our full range of qualifications
CAA developed the Experienced Worker Practical Assessment (EWPA) to give more choice to candidates in the way that they gain their qualification.
It involves assessing your candidates’ skills and knowledge at an agreed location, either on site or at an approved assessment centre. It is not intended as a replacement for On-Site Assessment and Training (OSAT), but as an alternative to sit alongside it – giving candidates and their employers more options when approaching qualifications.
Approval for Centres
Approved centres wishing to offer this method of assessment can apply to CAA for an EWPA pack.
EWPA is made up from a practical test and an in-depth professional discussion. As the professional discussion is critical to the success of this assessment methodology, CAA provide one day mandatory briefings for assessors which must be attended within the first six months of the centres approval.
Check out our events listing for a list of the dates/venues.
Candidate Criteria
The criteria for all EWPA candidates include:
- Being site experienced in all the stated skills of the competence qualification they wish to achieve
- Having sufficient experience of the skills of the competence qualification, so that planning their working day, problem solving and decision making and working to deadlines (regarding their craft skill) are a usual day-to-day activity
- An ability to cope with the demands of an intensive practical assessment process
- An ability to work safely at all times
- An ability to discuss their work activities with others
You can download the amended Part 1 document (73kb PDF document) here.
Occupation Implementations
The practical assessment, irrespective of the occupation, has been developed in conjunction with industry. Some occupations allow the Practical Assessment to be delivered on site as well as in an assessment centre.
The programme for implementation is shown below. This is subject to review and may be affected by industry approval, or the availability of assessment centres and/or candidates. Centres currently approved to offer these occupations will be sent a letter advising of the new occupation launch. Packs are available on request email to [email protected]