
Enquiries and appeals

What to do if you want to enquire or appeal?

Candidate enquiries and appeals procedure

We aim to ensure all awarding organisation decisions are fair, consistent and based on valid judgements. However, we recognise there may be occasions when you wish to appeal against a decision made. 

As a learner with Construction Awards Alliance, you can:

  • enquire about or dispute your knowledge test result that we have issued – we will determine whether the test was correctly recorded, totalled and processed, or to
  • enquire about or dispute a portfolio assessment decision made by your centre – we will re-assess your portfolio to determine if the assessment was carried out and recorded correctly.

Before using the procedure described below you must first have completed the appeals process that your centre has in place for you.

Stage 1

  • Send your application form (opens new window) to our Customer Service Manager.
  • An appeal must be received within 10 working days from the date you complete your centre’s own appeals procedure and no later than 60 working days from the issue of the original assessment result.
  • A member of the management team will undertake a review.
  • We will send you the result within 20 working days.
  • If the review decides to alter the result it will be amended and, where appropriate, replacement documentation will be issued without charge.
  • You have the right to appeal against the outcome of the review.
  • To do this move to Stage 2. 

Stage 2

Stage 2 is only available if you wish to appeal against the outcome of Stage 1. 

  • Send your  application form (opens new window)to our Customer Service Manager with the £150 fee.
  • It must be received within 20 working days of the date you were notified of the outcome of Stage 1.
  • Your application will be reviewed within 30 working days by the Alliance Manager, the Quality Assurance Manager and 1 independent member*.
  • We will write to you with the decision and the reasons for it within 10 working days of this meeting. 
  • The Board’s decision is final.


  • We will not charge you for Stage 1. 
  • Stage 2 costs £150.

If your appeal is upheld, the fee you have paid will be refunded, records will be adjusted and, if applicable, replacement documentation will be issued without further charge.